Meso Fat
Meso Fat
This treatment involves the injection of active substances into the fat layer beneath the skin, to dissolve excess fat, reduce cellulite, and stimulate collagen production to ensure firm skin after excess fat removal. The injected active substances destroy fat cells in the fat layer of the skin. These destroyed fat cells are then expelled from the body as waste through the lymphatic system. This treatment is suitable for those with facial fat problems – such as chubby cheeks and neck wattle, as well as those wanting to eliminate facial fat for a slimmer, more contoured face.
Which Areas Can Be Treated With Meso Fat Injection?
- Cheeks: Recontour facial structure, and reduce excess facial fat
- Neck & Chin: Reduce the appearance of neck wattle and double chin; when accompanied with Botox, it will efficiently reduce neck fat (wattle) and tighten neck muscles
- Upper Arms & Thighs: For stubborn excess fat, liposuction, regular exercise, and weight control are also recommended in addition to the Meso Fat treatment.
- Abdomen & Hips: Reduce excess fat around the abdomen and hips for more contoured results
- Armpit Flanks: Reduce fat in the armpit area
- Back: Reduce fat in the back area
Meso Fat Injection Procedure
- Receive consultation and facial assessment from the doctor.
- Cleanse the face and apply anesthetic cream to the treated area.
- Wipe the treated area with alcohol or disinfectant.
- Apply a cold compress to the treated area before Meso Fat injection.
Meso Fat Aftercare
- Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to help drain fat.
- Following Meso Fat injection, other skin-lifting treatments can also be performed to ensure firm skin.
- Avoid smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages for 1 month.
- Get at least 30 minutes of light exercise to aid fat elimination.
- Avoid high-carbohydrate diet, as well as salty and oily foods – to prevent the development of additional fat.
- Follow a healthy diet, control weight, as well as avoid oily and fried foods – to prevent the development of additional fat, and reduce the accumulation of new fat cells.
Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages